Are you unsure if your child has an IEP or 504 Plan that might qualify them for the McKay Scholarship?  The differences between the IEP and 504 Plan are very minor, but fortunately, both will qualify for the McKay Scholarship.

The 504 Plan is for students that experience medical issues or a disability that can still learn in the “general education” classroom.  Students that are placed on a 504 Plan may need additional help in the classroom but do NOT qualify for full Special Education services.  The 504 Plan allows classroom teachers to accommodate a students work and give them what they need to be successful.  

Students that are on a 504 Plan might need special accommodations if they have limitations that make them unable to:

  • walk, eat, breathe
  • stand, bend, lift
  • learn
  • communicate, or speak
  • etc.

These students that need additional support in the general education classroom typically just need different accommodations. For example, if a student cannot stand up for a Physical Education class, they might give the student a similar activity so they might still participate without the need to stand up.  Some students that have 504 Plans have special circumstances, such as being hospitalized for a long period of time or have been injured and are placed on a 504 Plan when they are ready to come back to school.

If you are unsure if your child has a 504 Plan, here are the steps that are typically taken:

1.  A concern of the child is brought to the table that they are not learning on pace with the other students or they have difficulty completing all of the tasks in class.

2.  A school representative sets up a 504 meeting with a team of people.  The people that typically are included are:

  • parents
  • principal
  • classroom teacher(s)
  • school psychologist
  • any other adult with knowledge of the students academics

3.  The team will discuss the student’s academic and medical records and make a decision if the student would benefit from a 504 Plan.

4.  If the 504 Plan is appropriate for that child, the classroom teachers are responsible for implementing the accommodations.  Some accommodations might include:

  • special seating arrangement
  • additional time for tests and assignments
  • read-aloud tests and assignments
  • visual or technology aids
  • adjusted class schedule
  • fewer assignments

If you are unsure if your child has a 504 Plan, contact your child’s teachers.  The Broach School of Jacksonville accepts students that are on the McKay Scholarship.  To qualify for McKay, your child must have EITHER a 504 Plan or IEP.  The McKay Scholarship allows you to choose a private school for your student and pays for the tuition.  The deadlines are approaching- don’t wait any longer to get your child the help they need!